The history of our family can be traced back for about
27 generations. The Boses1
are Kayastha2
by caste. The
founder of the Dakshin-Rarhi3
clan of the Boses was one
Dasaratha Bose, who had two sons, Krishna and Parama.
Parama went over to East Bengal and settled there, while
Krishna lived in West Bengal. One of the great—great-
grandsons of Dasaratha was Mukti Bose, who resided at
Mahinagar, a village about 14 miles to the south of Calcutta,
wl1ence the family is now known as the Boses of Mahina-
Eleventh in descent from Dasaratha was Mahipati, a
man of outstanding ability and intelligence. He attracted
the attention of the then King of Bengal, who appointed
him as Minister for Finance and War. In appreciation of his
services, the King, who was Muslim by religion, conferred
on him the title of ‘Subuddhi Khan5
As was the prevailing
custom, Mahipati was also given a ‘jaigir’ (landed property)
asa mark of royal favour and the village of Subuddhipur, not
far from Mahinagar, was probably his jaigir. Of Mahipati’s
ten sons, Ishan Khan, who was the fourth, rose to eminence
and maintained his father’s position at the Royal Court.
Ishan Khan had three sons, all of whom received titles from
the King. ‘1`he second son, Gopinath 1} Bose, possessed ex-
traordinary ability and prowess and was appointed Finance
Minister and Naval Commander by the then King, Sultan
Hossain Shah (1493-1519). He was rewarded with the title
of Purandar Khan and a jaigir, now known as Purandarpur,
not far from his native village of Mahinagar. In Purandarpur
there is a tank called “Khan Pukur” (or Khan’s Tank) which
is a relic of a one-mile long tank excavated by Purandar
Khan. The village of Malancha near Mahinagar has grown
on the site of Purandar’s Garden.
In those days the Hooghly flowed in the vicinity of
Mahinagar and it is said that Purandar used to travel by
boat to and from Gaud, the then capital of Bengal. He built
up a powerful navy which defended the kingdom from
external attack and was its commander.
Purandar also made his mark as a social reformer.
Before his time, according to the prevailing Ballali custom,
the two wings of the Kayasthas — Kulin (who were the elite,
viz., the Boses, the Ghoses, and the Mitras) and Moulik (the
Dutts, the Deys, the Roys etc.) did not, as a rule, intermarry.
Purandar laid down a new custom6
to the effect that only
the eldest issue ofa Kulin need marry into a Kulin family,
while the others could marry Mouliks. This custom, which
has been generally followed till the present day, saved the
Kayasthas from impending disaster——the fruit of exces-
sive inbreeding.
Purandar was also a man of letters. His name figures
among the composers of Padabali, the devotional songs of
the Vaishnavas.
Evidence is afforded by several Bengali poems, like
Kavirama’s ‘Ray1nangal’, that as late as 200 years ago, the
Hooghly (called in Bengali———Ganga) flowed by Mahi-
nagar and the neighbouring villages. (Even now, all tanks
in the former bed of the ‘Ganga’ are also called ‘Ganga’ by
courtesy, e.g., Bose’s Ganga, meaning thereby Bose’s tank.)
The shifting of the river-bed struck a death blow at the
health and prosperity of these villages. Disturbance of the
drainage of the countryside was followed by epidemics,
which in turn forced a large section of the population to mi-
grate to other places. One branch of the Bose family-—the
direct descendants of Purandar Khan-moved to the adjoin-
ing village of Kodalia.
After a period of comparative silence, this neigh bour-
hood, containing the villages of Kodalia, Chingripota, Hari-
navi, Malancha, Rajpur, etc. leapt into activity once again.
During the early decades of the nineteenth century there
was a remarkable cultural upheaval which continued till the
end of the century when once again the countryside was
devastated by epidemics——malaria carrying off the palm
this time. Today one has only to walk through these deso-
lated villages and observe huge mansions overgrown with
wild creepers standing in a dilapidated condition, in order
to realise the degree of prosperity and culture which the
neighbourhood must have enjoyed in the not distant past.
The scholars who appeared here about a century ago were
mostly men learned in the ancient lore of India, but they
were not obscurantists by any means. Some of these Pundits
were prcceptors of the Brahmo Samaj, then a revolution-
ary body from the spcio-cultural point of view, while others
were editors of secular journals printed in Bengali wl1ich
were playing an important part in creating a new Bengali
literature and in influencing contemporary public affairs.
Pundit Ananda Chandra Vedantavagecsh was the edi-
tor of Tattwabodhini Patrika, an influential journal of those
days and also a preceptor of the Brahmo Samaj. Pundit
Dwarakanath Vidyabhusan was the editor of Som Praksh,
probably the first weekly journal to be printed in the Ben-
gali language. One of his nephews was Pundit Shivanath
Shastri, one of the outstanding personalities of the Brahmo
Samaj. Bharat Chandra Shiromani was one of the authori-
ties in Hindu Law, especially in the Bengal school of Hindu
Law called ‘Dayabhag’. Among the artists could be named
Kalikumar Chakravarti, a distinguished painter, and among
musicians, Aghor Chakravarti and Kaliprasanna Bose. Dur-
ing the last few decades the locality has played an important
part in the nationalist movement. Influential Congressmen
like Harikumar Chakravarti and Satkari Bannerji (who
died in the Deoli Detention Camp in 1936) hail from this
quarter, and no less a man than Comrade M. N. Roy, of
international fame, was born there.
To come back to our story, the Boses who migrated
to Kodalia must have been living there for at least ten
generations, for their genealogical tree is available} My
father was the thirteenth in descent from PurandarKhan
and twenty•sixth from Dasaratha Bose. My grandfather
Haranath had four sons, Jadunath, Kedarnath, Deven-
dranath, and Janakinath my father.
Though by tradition our family was Shakta,7
was a pious and devoted Vaishnava. The Vaishnavas being
generally more non—violent in temperament, Haranath
stopped the practice of goat-sacrifice at the annual Durga
Pooja (worship of God as Divine Energy in the form of
mother) which used to be celebrated with great pomp every
year—Durga Poojah being the most important festival of
the Hindus of Bengal. This innovation has been honoured
till the present day, though another branch of the Bose fam-
ily living in the same village still adheres to goat-sacrifice at
the annual Poojah.
Haranath’s four sons migrated to different places in
search of a career. The eldest Jadunath who worked in the
Imperial Secretariat had to spend a good portion of his
time in Simla. The second, Kedarnath, moved to Calcutta
permanently. The third, Devendranath, who joined the edu-
cational service of the Government and rose to the rank of
Principal, had to move about from place to place and after
retirement settled down in Calcutta. My father was born on
the 28th May, 1860 and my mother in 186928
After passing
the Matriculation
(then called Entrance) Examination from the Albert
School, Calcutta, he studied for some time at the St. Xa-
vier’s College and the General Assembly’s Institution (now
called Scottish Church College). He then went to Cuttack
and graduated from the Ravenshaw College. He returned
to Calcutta to take his law degree and during this period
came into close contact with the prominent personali-
ties of the Brahmo Samaj, Brahmanand Keshav Chandra
Sen, his brother Krishna Vihari Sen, and U mesh Chandra
Dutt, Principal of the City College. He worked for a time as
Lecturer in the Albert College, of which Krishna Vihari Sen
was the Rector. In 1885 he went to Cuttack and joined the
bar. The year 1901 saw him as the first non-official elected
Chairman of the Cuttack Municipality. By 1905 he became
Government Pleadcr and Public Prosecutor. In 1912 he
became a member of the Bengal Legislative Council and
received the title of Rai Bahadur. In 1917, following some
differences with the District Magistrate, he resigned the post
of Government Pleader and Public Prosecutor and thirteen
years later, in 1930, he gave up the title of Rai Bahadur as a
protest against the repressive policy of the Government.
Besides being connected with public bodies like the
Municipality and District Board, he took an active part in
educational and social institutions like the Victoria School
and Cuttack Union Club. He had extensive charities, and
poor students came in for a regular share of them. Though
the major portion of his charities went to Orissa, he did not
forget his ancestral village, where he founded a charitable
dispensary and library, named after l1is mother and father
respectively. He was a regular visitor at the annual session
of the Indian National Congress but he did not actively
participatein politics, though he was a consistent supporter
of Swadeshi9
After the commencement of the Nonco-
operation Movement in 1921, he interested himself in the
constructive activities of the Congress, Khadi10 and national
education. He was all along of a religious bent of mind and
received initiation twice, his first guru being a Shakta and
the second a Vaishnava. For• years he was the President of
the local Theosophical Lodge. He had always a soft spot for
the poorest of the poor and before his death he made provi-
sions for his old servants and other dependants.
As mentioned in the first chapter, my motl1er be-
longed to the family of the Dutts11 of Hatkhola, a northern
quarter of Calcutta. In the early days of British rule, the
Dutts were one of those families in Calcutta who attained a
great deal of prominence by virtue of their wealth and their
ability to adapt themselves to the new political order. As a
consequence, they played a role among the neo-aristocracy
of the day. My mother’s grandfather, Kashi Nath Dutt, broke
away from the family and moved to Baranagore, a small
town about six miles to the north of Calcutta, built a pala-
tial house for himself and settled down there. He was a very
well-educated man, a voracious reader and a friend of the
students. He held a high administrative post in the firm of
Messrs Jardine, Skinner & Co., a British firm doing business
in Calcutta. Both my mother’s father, Ganganarayan Dutt,
and grandfather had a reputation for being wise in selecting
their sons-in-law. They were thereby able to make alliances
withthe leading families among the Calcutta aristocracy
of the day. One of Kashi Nath Dutt’s sons-in-law was Sir
Romesh Chandra Mitter,12 who was the first Indian to be
acting Chief Justice of the Calcutta High Court. Another
was Rai Bahadur Hari Vallabh Bose who had migrated to
Cuttack before my father and as a lawyer had won a unique
position for himself throughout the whole of Orissa.
It is said of my maternal grandfather, Ganganarayan
Dutt, that before he agreed to give my mother in marriage
to my father, he put the latter through an examination and
satisfied himself as to his intellectual ability. My mother
was the eldest daughter. Her younger sisters were married
successively to (the late) Barada Ch. Mitra, C.S., District
and Sessions Judge, Mr Upendra Nath Bose of Benares City,
(the late) Chandra Nath Ghose, Subordinate Judge and (the
late) Dr J. N. Bose, younger brother of the late Rai Bahadur
Chuni Lal Bose of Calcutta.
From the point of view of eugenics it is interest-
ing to note that, on my father’s side, large families were
the exception and not the rule. On my mother’s side, the
contrary seems to have been the ease.` Thus my maternal
grandfather had nine sons and six daughters13 Among his
children, the daughters generally had large families—in-
cluding my mother-—~but not the sons. My parents had
eight sons and six daughters,14“ of whom nine——seven
sons and two daughters——are still living.
Among my sisters and brothers, some—but not the
majority-——have as many as eight or nine children, but it
is not possible to say that the sisters are more prolific than
the brothers or vice versa. It would be interesting to know if
in a particular family the prolific strain adheres to one sex
more than to the other. Perhaps eugenists could answer the
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